Finland has already implemented the IPRED1 directive that is debated in Sweden now. I received communication from Finland about a newly published study of the effects on the behavior of the future generation. The research has been conducted by The National Research Institute of Legal Policy, which seems to be the comparison of BRÅ in Sweden. (Presentation of the institute in Swedish and English)
The conclusion is that the IPRED1 implementation in Finland does not affect the behavior of 15 year olds: 29 % performs illegal downloading every day. They simply see copying as something completely different from stealing. Which it is of course. Copying is not theft: not legally, not economically and not philospohically. There is now a Pirate Party in Finland also.
Finnish youth have made their choice. A great choice! Finland and Sweden are two of the world's leading internet nations. We consistently prove it. Continue sharing!
Read about the research report here in English. A short note about it in Swedish langugae Hufvudstadsbladet.
For my Swedish readers I recommend Nicklas Lundblad's legal analysis and suggestion to the legislators: Kvalifikation genom schablonskadepant. You don't know what it is? Neither did I. Now I do!
Discussions about how to hide on the net have already started. SvD believes the FRA surveillance debate has now put the government on the defensive. Well, they better listen now. Because the record companies say they will go after people who share four ABBA songs. Yeah, right, bankrupt normal families who love ABBA and wish to share with their friends with crazy damages and give the money to some of Sweden's richest people, great job!! Ironically the record company head actively denies any maffia involvement although nobody has asked him.
Only the Pirate Party of Sweden is really against this development and understands that the network society needs a complete reform of thinking and of legislation. They are needed.
Johanna Nylander skriver på Skiften, bra kommentarer hos HAX, Farmorgun i Norrtälje en fighter som alltid.
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